Tennessee Reserve Study
Who needs to conducted a reserve study?
Associations who have not completed a reserve study on or after January 1, 2020.
How often do you need to complete a reserve study?
A reserve study needs to be completed by a qualified individual at least once every five (5) years.
Tennessee Reserve Study Requirements
Tennessee requires owner associations to conduct a reserve study every five (5) years, in an effort to help plan for repair and replacement of the common elements critical to structural integrity and safety. The reserve study is intended to inform an association as to how much they should set aside and save to fully fund repair and replacement costs and minimize the need for special assessment.
Providing reserve studies throughout TENNESSEE + KENTUCKY

Serving the state of Tennesssee

3200 West End Ave,
Suite 500,
Nashville, TN 37203
3200 West End Ave,
Suite 500,
Nashville, TN 37203
Phone 888.315.2843
Fax 888.316.4587
Email mail@reservestudygroup.com
Contact UsFax 888.316.4587
Email mail@reservestudygroup.com
Tennessee Reserve Studies
Our team of reserve study professionals works with associations throughout Tennessee and Kentucky.
Top 10 Cities Served
Johnson City
What is a Reserve Study?
Is there a legal requirement for reserve studies?
When is a Reserve Study required?
Who can prepare a reserve study?
How do I start the process to obtain a Reserve Study?
How long does it take to complete a Reserve Study?
How much does a reserve study cost?
What is an acceptable level of Reserve Funding?
How are Reserve Contribution Rates determined?
What common area components are included in a Reserve Study?